Memorial Day Weekend at Nag's Head
Happy birthday Pam and Jean!
Please click on the pictures for a larger image. All of these pictures are compressed and of low quality; if you would like a to print a picture, please email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the original master image.
Our pool
Dan making his gumbo soup
Jacuzzi, the place to be at 3 AM. The neighbor's hated us!
This is what you've been looking for, people pictures!
Getting ready for the group shot....
I really like taking pictures of people when they are in a "natural" pose....
Look at these silly profiles of single men on!
Here is the iguana house mascot.
Don't forget about the scary mascot (think of the Hawaii Brady Bunch episode)
from Walter's drink.
Dave made the kite fly for many hours.
Let's conclude with some peaceful beach pictures... breathe deeply... :)
You can contact me at [email protected].
Last saved on Tuesday, June 18, 2002